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Murfreesboro Softball League

Murfreesboro Softball League


Murfreesboro Softball League
Slow Pitch Rules and Regulations

Rev. February 2024

1.     The league will establish practice and game schedules.

2.     Our facility is smoke free, including e-cigs. Please notify parents and enforce this rule as needed.

3.     The league does not carry medical insurance on players; each parent is responsible for his or her child’s insurance.

4.     Teams will consist of a Head Coach, 2 Assistant Coaches and a Dugout Helper. All coaches and  helpers must have completed the background screening process and received approval. Prior to each game the Head Coach must complete the game form listing which approved coaches are present for the game. Only the Head Coach, Assistant Coaches and Dugout Helper are allowed in the dugout or on the field of play. Violations of this rule will first be a warning issued to the Head Coach. A second violation will result in a 1 game suspension for the Head Coach. Any following violations are subject to ejection from the league.

5.     Head Coaches are responsible for making sure all background checks and other required paperwork for their team has been submitted to the league before he/she including Assistant Coaches are allowed on the playing field. Failure will result in ejection from games until completed forms are received by the league.

6.     Basic team equipment shall be provided by the league and distributed to each Head Coach who shall sign for the equipment and return it at the completion of each season. The Head Coach shall be responsible for any equipment not returned.

7.     The league does not provide paid Scorekeepers. The team listed first on the schedule will be the home team; the visiting team will bat first. The home team will take the 3rd base dugout, operate the scoreboard and keep the official scorebook. A responsible adult should be assigned these tasks, keeping the official scorebook is mandatory, failure to maintain the scorebook is subject to a forfeit. Coaches are required to exchange lineups, this can be done at the plate meeting.

8.     Players are not required to tuck shirts into shorts or pants but shorts must be visible beneath shirts. No tank tops, sleeveless shirts or midriff exposing shirts allowed during practice or games. Shorts must be fingertip length (fingertip length does not include the length of sliders). If you are going to be a ballplayer, you need to look like one.

9.     No metal cleats allowed.

10.  Batting helmets with faceguards are required for batters and base runners during practice and games. It is mandatory that all infield players wear a game face when on the field of play during practice and games. It is strongly encouraged that all outfield players also wear a game face for their protection during practice and games. Catchers of all ages must wear a chest protector and at minimum a batting helmet with face mask for their protection.

11.  Coaches are required to check on each day they are scheduled to play. Important schedule, event changes and make up dates will be listed there. Rainout info will be posted as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. Please do not contact the league with inquires prior to 3:00 p.m.

12.  Make up games are only rescheduled as time permits and at the discretion of the League Director.

13.  If a team is going to forfeit and not show up you must notify your Commissioner and the other Coach at least 1 day in advance.

14.  Game length will be 60 minutes or 6 innings. The umpire will keep the official time clock and will announce the starting time to each team. Teams should be on the field ready to play during the umpire / coach plate meeting and within 90 seconds between innings to prevent delay of the game. 

15.  There will be no extra innings played except during tournament play. Once the inning begins if time expires and the game can be won or tied with 8 runs (5 for tball) the inning will finish regardless of time, if the home team is ahead at the bottom of the inning and time is expired the game is over.

16.  The distance between bases shall be 60 feet. Pitching distance will be 30’ for TeeBall, 35’ for 7-9, 40’ for 10-12 and 46’ for Teen Slow.

17. Game balls will be provided by the league. All bats must include a certified stamp for example USSSA, ASA, USA. Altered bats are not allowed. The umpire has the right to inspect and dismiss any bat for safety.

18.  A safety base for 1st base will be used.

19.  Dugout gates must be closed during live play.

20.  A team may start and finish a game with only 8 players without penalty. The last spot will not count as an out.

21.  If 8 players are not present for a game you may go one age group below within the slowpitch league to pick up a player. To qualify a minimum of 6 players from the team must be present. You can only pick up enough players to make a 10 player team (Example: 7 players arrive for the game, pickup 3 to total 10 players. Pick up players must play in the outfield and bat last in the order. TBall is allowed to play with only a full infield without forfeit or pickup players. The TBall group may pickup players within the same division with approval from the league Commissioner. Players arriving after a game begins may only be added to the bottom of the batting lineup if their team has not already batted through the lineup. Coaches must notify Commissioners when picking up players.

22.  If your starting pitcher is not present for a game you may pick up a pitcher within the same age group with approval from the Commissioner. The starting pitcher bats last in the order. This rule applies to 10-teen only.

23.  A maximum of 5 warm up pitches are allowed before the start of an inning, please also refer to rule 14.

24.  A team may play with 4 outfielders.

25.  Coaches should make an effort to rotate players as much as time and innings allow. No player should sit out for 2 consecutive innings per game unless due to a special circumstance including illness or injury.

26.  Complete and free substitution is allowed. A player may enter and leave the game at any time. However, the player must remain in the same place in the batting order. This includes the pitcher.

27.  An injured or ill player may return to play at the discretion of the Head Umpire or Commissioner. There will be no out counted if the player is unable to bat. If  base runner has to leave the game the pinch runner will be the last batted out. If a team drops below 8 players due to injury or illness the game may continue without penalty. 

28.  A continuous batting order will be used. All players will bat regardless of number of players on either team. An inning will consist of 3 outs or a 5 run limit. In addition, as long as both teams have batted through their lineup the following run rule will apply: 15 runs after 3 innings, 12 runs after 4 innings and 10 runs after 5 innings.

29.  If a batter bats out of order and gets on base the batter may be called out before the next pitch.

30.  Slinging the bat is an automatic out after 1 warning per game, not per team.

31.  Pinch runners are allowed for injured players only. If the pinch runner is on base at the time of her bat she will be called out at the plate.

32.  In coach pitch divisions, coaches pitch to their own teams, distance is specified in the rule supplements for each division. No intentional walks are allowed in player pitch divisions, the pitcher must attempt a normal motion pitch with an appropriate arch, no rolling or high floating pitches and no excessive inside/outside pitches. In the event of an intentional walk, as determined by the umpire, no pitch will be called by the umpire, for the 1st offense during a game the batter will be awarded 2nd base with all eligible base runners advancing 2 bases. On the 2nd offense during a game the batter will be awarded 2nd base with all eligible base runners advancing 2 bases, the pitcher will be removed as pitcher, the pitcher is eligible to play another position for the remainder of the game. Continued intentional walks may result in a pitcher being disqualified from pitching temporarily or for the remainder of the season to be determined by the League Director. Intentionally hitting a batter will never be tolerated and subject to suspension or ejection from the league to be determined by the League Director. 

33.  All infielders must be in position in the field of play. All outfielders must be positioned in the grass and not inside the infield. The player pitcher for coach pitch shall be in position beside or behind the coach pitcher. Coach pitchers need to leave the field of play once the ball has been hit and not interfere with game play. No bowling type throws are allowed.

34.  No infield fly rule applies to TeeBall or 7-9 but does apply to 10-Teen. An infield fly is a fair fly ball, not including a line drive or attempted bunt which can be caught by an infield, pitcher or catcher with ordinary effort when 1st and 2nd or 1st, 2nd and 3rd bases are occupied with less than 2 outs. There is judgement by the umpire as to what ordinary effort is. The ball must be fair. Sometimes if it is close to fair / foul the umpire will say “Infield fly, the batter is out if fair” or something to that effect. The intention of the rule is to protect the runners. Even if the ball is not caught the batter is out. If caught or the ball hits the ground runners can advance at their own risk.  An infield fly is not a dead ball.

35.  No foul language and/or poor conduct will be permitted and will result in automatic suspension from the game and subject to ejection. Continued use of foul language and/or poor conduct is subject to suspension from the league as determined by the League Director.

36.  No physical or verbal confrontation among coaches, parents or players will be tolerated at any time on or off league playing facilities and is subject to suspension from the league. Only Coaches and assigned Dugout Helpers are allowed inside the dugout and on the field of play, no exceptions. Violations of this rule will result in ejection.

37.  The Umpire’s decision is final. Only a Head Coach or acting Head Coach (in the event HC is absent) shall be allowed to address the umpire. Coaches may not argue with the Umpire’s decision or question a judgement call, only potential Rule Violations may be discussed by the Head Coach calling time out and addressing the Umpire. Umpires will give a single warning to Coaches, Parents and Players followed by an ejection from the game. Poor or argumentative conduct shall result in a review with the Head Umpire, League Director, Division Commissioner and League Commissioner for future coaching, playing or spectating status within the league and is subject to suspension from one or more games up to permanent suspension from the league.

38.  Chain of Command is as follows: Parent/Player to Head Coach – Head Coach to Division Commissioner – Division Commissioner to League Commissioner – League Commissioner to League Director – Exception: if a Parent / Player has a complaint regarding their Head Coach they may report directly to the Division Commissioner.

39.  All other rules are in accordance with USSSA Slowpitch rules and good common sense.

TeeBall / 4-6

1.     The batter is allowed 6 pitches / 4 strikes. If the coach desires he/she  may elect to bring out the tee after the 2nd  strike or  4th  pitch and have the batter hit off the tee. This gives the batter 2 chances to hit off the tee.

2.     Coaches pitch to their own teams from the rubber or may elect to pitch 5’ in front of the nearest rubber or 5’ behind the same rubber. 30’ minimum for TeeBall only.

3.     All players are allowed on defense. Two defense coaches allowed in the outfield grass during live play, outside of the foul line with 1 on the right and 1 on the left side of the field. Coaches should make every attempt to not disrupt the game.

4.     No infield fly rule applies.

5.     No walks allowed.

6.     No bowling type throws are allowed.

7.     Ball must touch 3’ arc line to be fair.

8.     5 run limit for Tball per half inning.

7-9 Slow

1.     Coach pitch from 35’ pitch rubber. 6 pitches or 3 strikes.

2.     No walks allowed.

3.     No bowling type throws allowed.

4.     No infield fly rule applies.

10-13 Slow

1.     Player pitch from 40’ pitcher rubber.

2.     Infield fly rule applies

3.     Only one extra foul ball during an at bat, a subsequent foul ball is an out.

4.     Batters will begin the at bat with a 1-1 count.

Teen Slow

1.     Player pitch from 46’ pitcher rubber.

2.     Infield fly rule applies.

3.     Only one extra foul ball during an at bat, a subsequent foul ball is an out.

4.     Batters will begin the at bat with a 1-1 count.




Murfreesboro Softball League
4183 Franklin Rd Ste B1 #101 
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37128

Phone: 615-225-7313
Email: [email protected]

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